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This website was created for Asher Tilleman. Because his mother Chipo Siamafuwa has taken him out of my life, this is the only way that I can communicate to him. If you know where Asher is, and can communicate with him, please tell him that his father is trying to contact him thru this website. Thank you!

Asher, contact me using


audio recordings:
threats custody 12-11-2024 CRIME Jan 1

In relation to the above audio file named CRIME here is the letter of sale document falsely declaring the property at 10 Miles as "the mini-milling" when no milling operation had ever been conducted on that property nor was intended to be conducted. 

"Daddy come back!"
. . . . . .  Asher Tilleman . . .  Jan 2, 2024 . . . on voice chat

I miss my daddy so much! We wd often go to the park together and play. We wd have many happy times together. My daddy loves me and I love my daddy, but now he is gone out of my life and I am so sad!

How cd I explain to you, when you were 3 years and 8 months old at that time, that I did not leave you but that you were taken away from me by the threats of your mother? Altho she apologized for making threats, she continued to make them, so it was not a genuine apology. On this recording you can be heard saying " I don't want it .... mommy I'm crying..."  You were being affected by the problems between me and your mother. Even at that young age (3 years old) you were showing evidence that the turmoil between us was affecting you. In the recording titled: custody, she admitted: 1) That I never once mentioned about the possibility of me leaving her, and that it was only her who talked about leaving me. 2) That if she chose to leave me, (which she did) it is wrong for her to take you away from me. (See also hell.Africa)


From Daddy to Asher

I miss being with you and playing together with you, and going to the parky with you. Remember how we used to enjoy tea, juicy, and "mena" together. You are such a big part of my life, my precious son. I love you so much Asher! 





Happy Birthday Asher!

You were 4 years old on April 24, 2024. Unfortunately I was not allowed to be with you on your birthday and I was not even allowed to send you a gift because I was not told were you are, so I didn't know where to send a gift to. And I was not allowed to talk with you on your birthday. I was not even told about anything at all that happened on your birthday. Your mother continues to use you as a weapon against me. But I am thinking about you my precious son! I love you so much and I miss you so much!

I am so sorry sweetheart. I don't know anything that is going on in your life. This is May 28, 2024 and I am not told anything that happens there with you, and I do not know anything about your situation there or what you are involved with or what happens in your life. It is not because I do not care about you that you do not hear from me, but it is because mommy blocks me out of your life and prevents me from communicating with you, and prevents you from communicating with me. I am so sorry about this Asher!

I love you Asher!


Your grama (Jane Siamafuwa) and your cousins Martin and Natalie Siamafuwa in Zambia supported your being taken away from me, and not one of them tried to intervene to stop it. They are all against you and me, and shamefully not one of them had the courage to stand up for what is right and defend you and me. Do not be deceived by how friendly and sweet they appear to be to you. This is an act. Have nothing to do with them. Furthermore, NONE of your relatives from your mother's family in Zambia defended you. 

I came across this song called "My Son" which is sung by Vera Lynn. 

This is Oct 31st, 2024, and your mother has still blocked you our of my life with no news about you at all, (not that I expect her to tell the truth anyway) and she still prevents me from communicating with you and I do not even know where you are.

Nov 3, 2014, I am again accused of "running away" from you. What a stupid thing to say! She needs to accuse me of something to take the focus away from her and the fact that she committed marriage fraud and was using me for money, sex, and a ticket to Canada. A little common sense wd tell anyone that a father who loves you as much as I do wd never "run away" from you. I needn't argue this point because the level of stupidity in her statement speaks for itself.

Nov 20, 2024 marks one year that you and I have been separated, but not by my choice, but because I was forced out by your mother.

Today is Dec 25th. 2024. Merry Christmas my precious son. Sadly we are not enjoying Christmas together because your mother keeps us apart, and shamefully does not tell me anything about your Christmas there, what you were doing at Christmas, and sends no fotos, and no Christmas chatting with you. But I shd not need her permission to be with you! This is evil of your mother to deprive us of each other!      http://www.hebrewhoax.commartin natalie  jane siamafuwahttp://www.7sharps.

1-2-2025 Your mother continues to leep us apart from eath orher and does not allow amy cimmunication between us. She continues to use you as a weapon against me. And you need your father in your life but she has taken me away from you against my will. What your mother is doing is evil! Her mind is perverted. So soryy Asher that you do not have your father in your life. You can blame your mother for this because is is she who has orchestrated this. I want you to protest against this to your mother and tell her that what she is doing is evil! Be strong like your father and fight against this evil and demand that she quits using you as a weapon to hurt me, and that she allows you come to Zambia to be with your father. I look forward to flying to Canada and bringing you here to Zambia, and enjoying your first plane ride with you.


Here are some of daddy's websites:



God Chord
This is about my discovery of what I came to call The God Chord

is about why I left Christianity.

Hebrew Hoax
is about the greatest hoax ever created: the non existant "Hebrew" race.

Sirius Sisters
a great business opportunity to anyone who can create these characters / personalities.

is the world's best nane for a self-law website business.

the FRIC
is a unique concept for a new African currency.