Asher health Chipo God Chord FRIC

Health and Nutrition
This page deals with nutrition and health issues and is far from completed, and will be continually updated with more information, so keep checking back regularly. 
First, some recommended videos:
--- The Cure for 97% of all diseases. This is a lecture by Dr. John Bergman which deals with inflammation as the main cause for most diseases. (51:17 minutes, 221 mb)
--- Fermentation. Dr. John Bergman explains how we can create greater nutrition by fermenting our foods. (50:14 minutes, 221 mb)

--- Sugar: The Bitter Truth. A lecture by Dr. Robert Lustig (1:27:29 minutes)
I uploaded a lower files size. (resolution not the greatest) A higher file size can possibly be found on YouTube

--- Proper Preparation of grains and legumes (7.47 minutes, 76.9 mb) 

Avoid junk food, this includes all fast food outlets. Their business is to make money at the expense of your health. Eat only "whole foods", this includes unprocessed and untreated (and non-irradiated) whole foods.

Avoid all preservatives, artificial sweetners, white refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup (watch the lecture: "Sugar: The Bitter Truth.") Avoid all chemicals put into foods. Do not trust what you read on the ingredients list. Do not accept "safe levels" for anything. (they keep lowering the "safe" level.)

Years ago when research was done into MSG (mono sodium glutamate), manufacturers started to call MSG by different names to avoid people knowing that it was still in food. It is called such things as "flavour enhancer, flavouring, seasoning, spices." Even tho MSG is not a spice they can lie and include it in the spices. It is also called "plant protein" or "hydrolized plant protien" or hydrolized something else, and other names. Even the term "natural flavour" can refer to MSG which is found naturally in certain plants in Japan. 

Also to be avoided is aspartame which is bad for your brain (and body). Dr. Russel Blaylock wrote a book called Exitotoxins which deals primarily with MSG and aspartame. He also has two lectures about the harmfulness of vaccines.
Vaccines destroy our immune system.

All drugs that doctors prescribe are hamful to us, and to the drug companies, sickeness, disease and death are a business. They protest all natural remedies, which can be seen when an Africa coutry found a cure for covid and the pharmaceutical cabal silenced it because it wd cost the drug companies millions of dollars in lost revenues. Many other examples can be given, including Essiac which was created by a Canadian nurse, who refused to profit from this, but vollunteered her time to help cancer patients, yet her clinic was closed by the drug companies (who were on the board of directors on the government's health regulatory board). Follow the money. Dr. John Bergman in some of his lectures exposes the fraud of the pharmaceutical industry and presents medical evidence that all drugs are harmful, and how that drugs actually create health problems, which require more drugs to treat. Follow the money.

Oil of onion can heal insect bites (I have done it myself) 

It is best not to eat meals at once, but to eat smaller portions and spread them out thruout the day. We have all experience eating a big meal, then feeling sleepy afterwards. This is because blood leaves our brain to go to the digestive system, thus depriving our brains, heart, kidneys etc of oxygen and nutrients, thus slowly shortening our life. We will all live longer if we spead out our eating.

We eat far too much carbohydrates, much more than we need. If we eat much less carbohydrates, even to the point of always feeling a little but hungry, we will live longer, providing that we have adequate protien, and nutrients from raw fruits and vegetables. It is the carbohydrates that result in oxidation of our cells.

Many people claim to have been cured or at least improved health by buying a "juicer" (not to be confused with a blender) which get the micro-nutrients out of fruit and vegetables and breaks them down better so that we can better digest them.

Another issue here is the bio-availablilty of nutrients. Just because we eat it, does not mean that oyur bodies are processing them and that they are bio-available. In this regard check out a process called "liposomal". Also check out what is called "leaky gut" syndrome wjhich also affects how our digestive system can be blocked from digesting food properly and getting nutrition form our food. Avoid all foods (including the type of beans) that produce gas. Gas is toxicity in our body.

If you need something in your stomach before you sleep, avoid sugar and simple carbohydrates, but intead eat protein, which will also result in a better sleep than sweetness or carbohydrates which can cause a less than good sleep experience. And not to eat much before we sleep.

Try this experiment: go for 2 weeks avoiding ALL forms of sugar, even honey, and all simple carbohydrates (you can eat complex carbohydrates) and at the end of the 2 weeks you will be amazed at how much better you will feel. 

It is important to get an adequate amount of raw fruits and vegetables, but we can cook some of them for eating pleasure. The best way to cook vegetables is steaming, and the worst way to cook any food is by frying it.

Avoid heating vegetable oils. This causes rancitity and it toxic in our bodies. It is best to add oil after cooking it. Olive oil is a good choice, other ils can be harmful, even when unheated. We do not need oils to cook food properly.
The best cooking material is glass. The best metal for cookware is pure titanium which does not react chemically with any acids, alcalies, or anything else in our food. 

Avoid GMO (genetically modified) food. This includes canola oil. Many foods are irradiated but they do not tell you, and some fruits and vegetables producers add chemicals to their produce and do not tell the public. I know this because I worked in the produce department of supermarkets in Canada and saw written on the box the chemicals that were added but these chemicals were not stated on the packaging that the public cd see.

Flouride causes tooth decay. Avoid toothpastes with flouride, and aso avoid an ingredient called SLS, or Sodium Laureth Sulfate, also called Sodium Laurel Sulfate. Use only a toothpaste with all natural ingredients, and you can also make your own toothpaste.